20 September 2010

cupcakes, yes!

lots of chocolate, soy whipping cream frosting and 
shiny confetti-kichy style.

no eggs, no milk, just delicious.

operation: lunch

nr. 1

tofu marinated in soy sauce with cous cous, 
mashed olives and ruccola with 
whole grain mustard and lemon juice dressing
 carrot-tahini soup with whole-wheat dumplings

Quick, easy and yummi, you should try it!

fun times at sloki's party

wet floor skating, whiskey cola on the walls, kitchen club 
sessions, cake but no knife, cigars&falafels, interwiews for 
shajba, hat-beer holder, tired guy with cola in his navel. 
a bunch of drunk buddies, jokes and fun, fun, fun.


we made sacher, bitter orange jam version.
 no eggs, no milk, just delicious.


hola, this is plum&mosquito. we have a friend named dio.