I was visually attracted to big rounded pie, since I first watched it chilling on the window in my favorite cartoons, or being thrown, smashed and licked from someones face in movies. It looked so tempting I would eat one right away. The pie that my mother and grandmother were/are making looks a lot different, it never got me... It didn't hypnotise me visually, not even with a taste. There was this dough and a thin layer of filling with grated fruit.
As my eyes fell in love with lots of filling and fruit cubed into bite-size pieces, I decided to try and make that rich version of pie. For the filling I used peaches, because there was lots of them at home and they were becoming rotten more quickly as we could eat them. I also had all the other ingredients at home, so I was ready for the mission, but I needed directions. And then I found this Vegalicious recipe.
As my eyes fell in love with lots of filling and fruit cubed into bite-size pieces, I decided to try and make that rich version of pie. For the filling I used peaches, because there was lots of them at home and they were becoming rotten more quickly as we could eat them. I also had all the other ingredients at home, so I was ready for the mission, but I needed directions. And then I found this Vegalicious recipe.
Po domače:
Breskova (veganska) pita
za testo:
320g bele moke
1/2 žličke soli
1 žlica sladkorja
113 g margarine (narezane na kocke)
1/4 šalice mrzle vode (oz. po občutku)
za nadev:
6-8 breskev
1/4 - 1/2 šalice sladkorja
1 žlica limoninega soka
1/4 šalice sladkorja
1 žlička cimeta
1 žlička sladkorja (poljubno potreseš po zgornji plasti testa)
1. moka+sol+cimet
2. dodaj margarino, zmiksaj ali pretlači z vilico
3. dodaj 3-4 žlice mrzle vode, zmešaj, zgneti in oblikuj testo v kroglo
4. zavij v plastično folijo/vrečko in postavi v hladilnik vsaj za 1 uro
5. ko se masa strdi
6. razdeli na dva dela, en del za dno, drugi za pokrov (če delaš "luknjasti" pokrov, uporabi razmerje 3/4 testa za vrh, ostalo za dno; če delaš pokrov v celem, uporabi testo za dno in vrh v razmerju 1:1)
7. povaljaj maso za dno na pomokani površini
8. položi v pekač in okrasi robove po želji
9. pomokaj po vrhu
10. razvaljaj vrhnjo plast testa, če delaš luknjasti pokrov izreži poljubne forme
11. ogrej pečico na 190 °C
1. olupi in nareži breskve, ohrani sok
2. pokapaj breskve z limoninim sokom
3. v drugi posodi zmešaj moko+sladkor+cimet
4. dodaj breskve in rahlo premešaj
5. položi breskve na testo, dodaj pokrov
6. če delaš pokrov v celem, ga dobro preluknjaj z vilico
7. po želji premaži pokrov z vodo/sojinim mlekom in posipaj z žlico sladkorja
8. peči 50 minut
9. če je testo po 30 minutah po vrhu že zlatorjavo, ga pokrij z alufolijo in peči do konca
10. ko je pita po vrhu zlatorjavo pečena in mehurčkasta, jo vzami iz pečice in ohladi
11. po želji serviraj s sladoledom, smetano, ...
My advice: For the filling I combined white flour with corn starch. I used 25x25 pan and baked the pie for exactly 50 min in the middle of the oven. I didn't have to use aluminum foil. Next time I'd probably use even more filling with less sugar.
As an amateur I can proudly say that this was the most delicious pie I made and tasted so far. It made my day!
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